August 2023
Dear Fisherfolk,
Hi. It's Keith. I'm staring at the keyboard, wondering what to write about August. Do I tell you about all the tomatoes? I hear that store-bought tomatoes taste like disappointment. I can see that as I eagerly look forward to any home lunch that includes our own tomatoes. Do I tell you about the tons of baby squash that are all set to ripen at the same time in a few days? Looks a little like an alien invasion. Do I mention Ezra's trip to Alaska? He should probably tell you about it himself, but I do know it was cooler up there than here in Arkansas and I hear he didn't catch many fish. He and Karen did come back looking happy, healthy, and relaxed. Must be the fishing, not the catching that's good. Did you hear that Susan, our Wrangler, got a new car? It's red. It's a Ford. Robert Red Ford, Jr. lives. I'm gonna call him Bobby for now. Or do I mention that Maryam, our daughter-in-law, is about to present us with a new grand baby? I can barely wait to meet him!!

It's Almost September and that means it's time for us to pack up and head to Taos, New Mexico for Michael Hearne's Big Barndance Music Festival. It's been a few years since we played this one and we're super happy to get back! Top notch, quality entertainment every year for your listening and dancing pleasure. Our set is Thursday Sept 5 and then we get to sit back and enjoy the weekend. You should come join us!
And you should virtually join us for our Lunch With Trout sessions we live-stream on Thursdays at noon (Central time) when we are home. It's a very informal session where we sit and talk and play a few songs. The first 7 are archived online so you could check them out to see what I'm talking about. It's fun! We dig way back into the past for oldies, present brand new hot-off-the-press songs, and about everything in between. I'm going to guess there will be Lunch With Trout sessions on Aug 29, Sept 12, Sept 19 (my birthday!), Sept 26, and Oct 3. Tune in on Facebook or YouTube. And then we Head to Texas for 4 big shows. I see Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia on the schedule, too.
It seems like I'm still forgetting to tell you something about August. Maters, squash, fishing, Fords, babies…OH YEAH! August 23 is Ezra's Birthday! Happy Birthday, BIG GUY!!!
Troutfully Yours,
Keith (and Ezra)