August 2022
Dear Fisherfolk,
Thank you all for being so understanding about our having to reschedule some Trout dates. This is Keith writing to let you know I'm past my little Covid Adventure and I'm ready to return to humanity and joy and happiness. Please check out our calendar for opportunities for you to share this joy and happiness with us. We have a couple of shows in Arkansas coming up. One is a big show on 8/13 in Clarksville, AR. Maybe we can work up our version of the Monkee's song "Last Train to Clarksville". The other is at the boyhood home of Johnny Cash in Dyess, AR on 8/20. How cool is that?!? Both shows are FREE. Bring your lawn chairs or a picnic blanket.

Then it's time for TAKE 2 on our tour that will feature concerts in Bryn Mawr, PA on 8/24 and in Morristown, NJ on 8/26. The show in Morristown will also be live streamed on The Folk Project's Facebook page. And we probably should tell you about the new Trout caps. Yes, back by popular demand (but with a new design) we have adjustable Trout baseball-style caps that fit nicely.

I've been having fun going through boxes at home and I've found some treasures. Letters! As many of you know, Ezra and I have been playing music together now since June of 1976. These letters were written to us by school kids we played for back in the late 1970's and early 1980's. Those "kids" are now in their 40's and 50's and many have had kids of their own. And many of those kids have had kids. And that's how Trout Fishing in America was built. Let's take a look in the Way Back Machine at some of our early uncensored responses, all written in cursive, I might add.
Letter #1 - Man, you are better than Elton John and I thought he was good. When you make your album, what will it be called? Wish ya luck, Jack (dated Feb 13, 1978)
Letter #2 - I loved your attempt to entertain us, come back next year and try again. I love missing the classes. Your Friend, Aaron
Letter #3 - You were great, but I like Elvis. - Harry
Letter #4 - (Our teacher) told us that you like to fish. Well I know where the best fishing hole is. Sam Rayburn Lake. Maybe you have been there before. But I have caught 2 big bass, 7 perch, millions of guppies, and 3 catfish. Thanks, Tammy (dated May 11, 1978)
Letter #5 - Thank you for coming. I wish you would blah blah and blah for us. Blah, blah, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah blah blah blah and blah. - Frank
Letter #6 - I'm in music class now and I'm writing this because the teacher gave us time. Please believe me, your program is not the least bit boring compared to this class period. Tommy
Letter #7 - I wish I were a grapefruit, and here is the reason why, when you came to eat me I would squirt you in the eye. Karin
Letter #8 - Thank you for coming to play for us. You both played good but Keith didn't sing too good. - Joey
Love it! Love it! Lyle Love it!
Ezra here: Keith has written the last two newsletters by himself and I’m starting to feel a bit lazy. I haven’t been totally lazy though. I’ve just completed building a bird house for our 20 guinea fowl. It’s been a slow process but really satisfying. I had help from several folks, most notably, my son-in-law Noah who climbed up on the rafters and screwed down the metal roof. The guineas seem quite happy in their new abode. It’s totally snake and other varmint-proof. We’re hoping the guineas live up to their hype as tick-eating machines. We’ve got a lot of ticks around here for them to eat! I’m really looking forward to playing music again soon!
Troutfully yours,
Keith and Ezra